Photo of Egon Possehl Spain

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Possehl Egon was born in 1921 in the city of Hamburg (Germany). After completing their studies revalidation -1936 - visited the Academy of Fine Arts in Hamburg. By desire of his parents, left the academy in 1937 to form, they say, in a profession with a future "woodwork." During this time began the Second World War and the end of the training professional in 1941 aged 19 he was sent to the front. In Russia lived through the...

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Photo of Egon Possehl Spain

Possehl Egon was born in 1921 in the city of Hamburg (Germany). After completing their studies revalidation -1936 - visited the Academy of Fine Arts in Hamburg. By desire of his parents, left the academy in 1937 to form, they say, in a profession with a future "woodwork." During this time began the Second World War and the end of the training professional in 1941 aged 19 he was sent to the front. In Russia lived through the war with all its horror, pain and death. 1946, six months after the war ended, he could resume his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Hamburg. Studied various techniques: wall, tile, decorative painting and portraiture and anatomy, as well as free painting, graphic arts and drawing. In 1948 worked with the group of Professor Ortner in the development of a fresh for the high altar of the church "Petrie", which was heavily damaged during the war and was being rebuilt. In 1949 he made his final exam and tried to follow his own path. Between 1949 and 1952 made several murals and stained glass. During the same period made several commissioned portraits for American and British citizens. But had not yet found its own style. For greater independence during their search, conducted advertising drawings, which acquired extensive knowledge of the division or sharing of plans, ie, a sense for composition, as well as greater accuracy and cleanliness. To find something intrinsic focused only on the drawing, discarding even the factor "color" that it was too complicated, as it departed from the conventional colors. In 1966 came the first designs, both for its subject as his line, left to guess their own. And so in 1967 in Hamburg COMMET Gallery, could show the public for the first time his "Odyssey of War." A collection of 80 works, with which the soul was torn, so surreal about the horrors of his experiences during his stay in Russia. His drawings have always followed the same line and issues hanging between satire, threats, sleep and fear. In 1968 he moved to Munich and came into contact with a varied circle of artists. Here are the colors that radiated permeated this city and changed, little by little, the emerging pencil brush colorful early experiments. Ever since the first time, attempted to represent personal issues. At first only contrasted pure colors without mixing, which worked to some gouaches, which for its cleanliness and composition were very well received, so much so that in that year were presented to the public in the gallery of Munich Neuhaus. In March 1969 he moved for work outside the painting, Almardá Beach (Valencia). During that year, was commissioned four windows to a private home. Projects conducted and supervised its implementation was conducted by a company of Irun. As for his painting activities had evolved into abstractions or color planes, linked by lines in black or white. That was a particular issue in the abstract simplified, getting into the Hall in March, in his edition of 1970, the medal for "Francisco Domingo" by one of these works. During the same year, sponsored by the city of Valencia and the German Cultural Institute, 60 works exhibited in the halls of Hon. Ayuntamiento de Valencia. At the same time had 30 gouaches in the Gallery "Da Vinci" of Madrid. Participated in the group exhibition "Contemporary Art", held in Valencia and Bilbao and set out some works during the "International Exhibition" held at the Galerie d'Art de Gandía. However, he soon changed his style. Abstraction evolved into cubism and in 1971, won new successes, both in the Gallery Viguer of Valencia and in the "Biennial of Sports", which presented two paintings of the Cubist style. In this style painted a mural in Barcelona in 1971. During the same year he made another mural in Jávea, where began to withdraw from the severe decoratively. In 1982, also made two commissioned murals. The road to the symbolism / Surrealism found it by 1972. He acknowledged that this style drawings and said he finally expose together, two very different techniques, which, with abstractions not possible. In the following years many national exhibitions took place (Valencia, Murcia, Benidorm, Sagunto, etc.) And international (London, Paris and Germany). The themes of his work has always revolved around the human being, especially women. Abstraction gradually evolved until it disappeared completely, resulting in a surreal themes developed through a multitude of symbols. In his works were not appreciated the depth that characterizes Chirico, Magritte, Dali and other surrealist-lists, trying to avoid it on purpose. The effect of perspective makes it with her natural representation of objects. His final style we could define as "natural surrealism." One critic said of him: "... Possehl works no longer need his signature." In 1985, commissioned by the then Mayor of Canet d'en Berenguer, Enrique Altabella, created a monument to the People's Cemetery. A cross designed with a simplified surreal symbolic style, executed in iron, on a pedestal of white marble. This book was a step in the artistic development of Egon Possehl. Today is also his final resting place. He died in March 2004. The painter wrote "... I'm on my way undisturbed, with the sole desire to leave a legacy for himself define me, me and my life. If I succeed, I will have fulfilled my reason to be. "

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